Read Kevin Maher (The Times film critic) on Trolls World Tour (Universal).
Use the case study to respond to the following 2 exam essays separately, so 2 paragraphs. Keep each to three or four crisp, factual sentences. Bonus points: refer to Netflix, disruption, your own film consumption.
Essay question 1: How far has digital technology changed patterns of distribution? (2015)
Essay question 2: To what extent does audience behaviour determine changes in the media industry? (2015)
Revise our case study for Disney Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Use these materials here about Disney as a conglomerate - also use these words: megafranchise, synergy, as in a conglomerate like Disney, targets its audiences through a vertically integrated web of companies that cross-promote each film using synergy. This is known as vertical integration.
Article here from 27 February 2019
and here on how Disney marketed RO
Essay question 3: Evaluate the importance of media ownership on the media texts which get produced. Write a page.

Hegemony is the idea in which the media consistently reproduces images of a dominant group to make them look superior and powerful. This dominant group in the Western world is middle class, white, males because the media is always produced by this group type, they generally tend to show middle-class white males as superior and show other parts of society that aren't as superior such as working class, LGBT, disabled. female and BAME as inferior and less powerful. The major point of Hegemony is the subtleness of it. It is so subtle that the theory suggests that the white man making the media doesn't even realise they are doing it and no one seems to challenge it.
One of the models the article identifies is the magic bullet effect theory and the hypodermic needle theory which as two behaviourist models that analyse the effect of media. The hypodermic needle theory is that media messages are injected within our 'bloodstream'. The other theory is the magic bullet effect theory which is the idea that the media constantly fires messages into our brains and due to use being passive consumers of media we believe most the things we are told.
The uses and gratification theory such as Maslow's needs and motivation theory suggests that the audience control the media they consume and they only pick and choose they want to read/hear/ view about based on their needs and desire. This in contrast to the magic bullet theory as it suggest the media can pick and choose what they want to hear and reject what they don't like the look of.
Hegemony is still prominent in the media which statistics showing that at Ofcom only 12% of all employees are in the BAME group but makeup 14% of the UK. There is also the disproportionately of privately educate people against people who weren't privately educated such as 54% of the UK's top journalists went to a private school when only 7% of children get the opportunity to be privately educated. This just shows it is not easy for underprivileged people to get employed by the media which then leads up backing the argument that they are underrepresented.
Pluralism is the idea that in order to change the way in which society thinks, we much see a varied representation of different social groups rather than repeated stereotypes. An example of this is Barbie wearing pink and taking care of children, purposely marketed and forcing the view upon girls that they must stick the conventional view of liking pink and becoming a mother.
Who produced the film?
Kathleen KennedyAllison Shearmur
• Who directed the film?
Gareth Edwards
• What other films have they directed?
Star Wars: the last JediEnd day Factory FarmedMonsters Godzilla
• What was the budget?
$265 million (gross). $219.5 million (net)
• Who stars in it?
Felicity JonesDiego Luna Riz Ahmed Ben Mandelsohn
• What other films have they been in?
Felicity jones: The theory of everything, on the basis of sex. Inferno Diego Luna: Narcos: Mexico Riz Ahmen: Venom, The night of, The sister’s brother Ben Mandelsohn: Robin Hood, Captain Marvel
• How was the film marketed? Which different marketing tools were used?
- Vogue teaser trailerl/ 7th 2016- the movie was released December 13th 2016, starting to bring the excitement and hype early on- Trailer viewed 300 million times in just one day in june 2016 showing how successful and loved it was
- Another trailer was publicly shown in 2016 summer which was extremely sucesfull and positive views.
• What examples of synergy with other products/merchandise can you find?
- Collaborated with Disney- Made. merchandise (shirts, toys, poster and other this associates with the merchandise produced through Disney, they made toys, t-shirts posters and many other pieces of merchandise sold worldwide
• What examples of cross media convergence can you find?
Disney selling merchandise in there stores.
• Where and when was this film released (nationwide, worldwide) and in what cinemas?
Premiered in LA on December 10th, 2016
Released in USA on December 10th aswell. UK relase date on the 13th.
• What formats was it available in (digital / 3D etc…)?
- DVD format- Online platforms (Apple TV, Disney Plus)- Blu-ray and 3D.
• Who is the target audience?- Very broad- Mainly males aged 30-50 Most of the viewers grew up when they were kids watching this film so want to continue the journey.
Kathleen KennedyAllison Shearmur
• Who directed the film?
Gareth Edwards
• What other films have they directed?
Star Wars: the last JediEnd day Factory FarmedMonsters Godzilla
• What was the budget?
$265 million (gross). $219.5 million (net)
• Who stars in it?
Felicity JonesDiego Luna Riz Ahmed Ben Mandelsohn
• What other films have they been in?
Felicity jones: The theory of everything, on the basis of sex. Inferno Diego Luna: Narcos: Mexico Riz Ahmen: Venom, The night of, The sister’s brother Ben Mandelsohn: Robin Hood, Captain Marvel
• How was the film marketed? Which different marketing tools were used?
- Vogue teaser trailerl/ 7th 2016- the movie was released December 13th 2016, starting to bring the excitement and hype early on- Trailer viewed 300 million times in just one day in june 2016 showing how successful and loved it was
- Another trailer was publicly shown in 2016 summer which was extremely sucesfull and positive views.
• What examples of synergy with other products/merchandise can you find?
- Collaborated with Disney- Made. merchandise (shirts, toys, poster and other this associates with the merchandise produced through Disney, they made toys, t-shirts posters and many other pieces of merchandise sold worldwide
• What examples of cross media convergence can you find?
Disney selling merchandise in there stores.
• Where and when was this film released (nationwide, worldwide) and in what cinemas?
Premiered in LA on December 10th, 2016
Released in USA on December 10th aswell. UK relase date on the 13th.
• What formats was it available in (digital / 3D etc…)?
- DVD format- Online platforms (Apple TV, Disney Plus)- Blu-ray and 3D.
• Who is the target audience?- Very broad- Mainly males aged 30-50 Most of the viewers grew up when they were kids watching this film so want to continue the journey.
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